Friday, November 28, 2008

Just Blowing Up Steam

Apologies, but I am going to rant. I am so jacked up it's not even
funny. The cojones this guy has. No conmunication for months and the
first thing that comes out of his mouth is an attack. Now if you know
me I am a very mellow guy and seldom get mad but this guy found the
button and pushed it, hard. It's been over 23 years since I wanted to
smack somebody. In the end settled for a kick to the dresser. It's
just not worth it. Experience tells me he will fall, harder. And I'll
keep going my way.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

An Expensive Puppet Show

Rumors have a lot of weight when you're dealing with confidence. More
so during this financial crisis. Look for them, Bear Stern was plagued
by rumors that plunged its value in the eyes of the customers.
Followed by more rumors about Lehman Bros, AIG, Fanie and Fredie and
others, the result is a market with very little confidence. Next in
line is Citi Group. I never believe in coincidences so I always look
for who is to benefit from this. So in this puppet show, who's pulling
the strings?


What is money? It is an idea backed by confidence. That's all. Meaning
that you know that the piece of paper in your hand has some worth. But
this trust also extends to others, like the the grocer, he knows that
the paper that you're handing over to him has value proportionate to
the goods you're getting. That's all there is to the subject. Others
may say otherwise but that is to justify those years in college
studying a myriad of books that say the same thing in many other

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sometimes my Spanish gets mixed up with my English. My old math
teacher would say that I am bilingual. Meaning that I couldn't
properly speak either language. I'd rather say that it is Spanglish.
And it has nothing to do with me being surrounded mostly by English
speaking friends and co-workers. No, this started back in Puerto Rico.
From 3rd grade on most of my books were in English. Movies were
subtitled and even a popular Cuban program was in Spanglish. My
defense, I'm continuing my education.

I'm Becoming a Gringo

I was born and raised in Puerto Rico for the first 23 years of my
life. Spanish being the main language and English being something to
be done for school. Don't get me wrong you're exposed to English left,
right and center, even to the extreme that 90% of the text books are
in English even though the classes are in Spanish. Now after being in
the US 12 years the balance has shifted. This was gradual and I only
realized it when picking up Hundred Years of Solitude to read in
English! Ay Dios mio!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caution: Contents Hot

Some years ago a woman sued McDonalds for a million dollars because
she burned herself with the coffee and she wasn't warned it was hot.
The fact that a court of law took up the case and awarded her what she
wanted tells you the sad state of affair of our legal system. Nowadays
it is practically impossible to find a coffee cup or lid without those
words of warning. Instead of labeling stupidity of the act the courts
rewarded it. Next step suit for false advertising, contents isn't hot.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Know Your Human Rights

Sometimes I wonder why there is so much abuse of power, such blatant
violations to our basic human rights. The basic in the link of this
long chain of abuses is education, or rather the lack of it. It is
easy when you see millions displaced, fleeing for their lives to say
"hey, that's wrong!" But before that happened there were a lot of
little violations that few argued against. Why? Because while it felt
wrong there were not enough who knew why. Educate yourself, visit

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bloggers Unite - Refugees

Today we can complain about the economy, the elections or any other
myriad of things but today I ask you to pause for a moment and think
of others less. Millions of people around the world have been
displaced from their homes. The conditions that they endure are
apalling and something which we cannot even imagine. Today bloggers
around the world have dedicated theis posts to create awareness about
this problem. We can make a difference but first we have to confront
the facts.

Mom, Where Are We Going?

It's late at night and mommy wakes me up. She puts some of my clothes
in a bag and tells me to get my doll. She seems scared, but she's been
scared since daddy went away. She cries a lot lately. As we walk out
of our home I notice people laden with bags and children. I'm scared.
I tell mom I want to go back home but she says we can't. Soldiers
usher us into a truck and we leave. It's crowded, everyone is scared.
As I look back I wonder when I'll see my home. Something inside me
says never.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why Is It Called An Idiot Box?

Back in the '50s tv earned the nickname of "the idiot box". It seems
that it was a prophecy. Nowadays moments that were dedicated to
exchanging ideas are filled with the constant drone of the tv and
ocassional grunts. While the device brings news and entertainment it
also hampers imagination. Everything is given in tv, scenery, sounds
even opinions. The need to discuss a subject is obsolete. Who can come
up with an original opinion when one is constantly impossed upon you?
Thus an idiot is born.

Gift of a Rose

Many years ago my girlfriend at the time gave me a rose. Through my
life I've received many presents. The memories of which vary, some are
vibrant and alive and some tend to fade away. The memory of the rose
is one of the vibrant ones. I think the reason the rose still stands
out is because there was very little material value but a lot of
emotional value in it. What I'm trying to say here is this. Put a
little love and care in whatever you do in life, others will
appreciate it. I know I would.

Friday, November 7, 2008

One Man...

It has been said that one man cannot make a difference, I disagree.
2,500yrs ago Buddha gave hope to 2/3 of the world by stating that it
is possible to attain higher levels of being. Martin Luther King gave
a message of equality that put an end to an era of discrimination.
This past week Barack Obama became the man embodying the hope and the
element of change that is needed and wanted, not only in the US, but
by the people of Earth. Extraordinary men, yet as ordinary as each one
of us.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Real John McCain Resurfaces

In any race where there are winners there must also be loosers. After
yesterdays elections Sen. John McCain had to be the latter one. While
giving his speech conceding the race we got a glimpse of the real
McCain. The man was gracious, in control and he placed country first.
If this McCain had not been drowned by Bush campaign advisors and the
book of GOP tactics the race would have been much closer. Alas, now is
the time to look ahead and turn the tide, everyone as the United
States of America.

More Brasilian Sights

A penpal sent these pics to me. One thing about pictures is that they
tend to speak for themselves.

The Real Guy Fawkes Tradition

My first contact with the 5th of November was through V for Vendetta.
There was a real person named Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up
Parliament in 1605. Hollywood tends to take liberties when presenting
historical facts and figures. I know the best way to find out the
truth is by asking questions, so I jumped the pond and asked a few
questions... Well not really, but a fellow blogger does explain a bit
about the man and the tradition. Visit

Penny For The Guy?

"Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason and
plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be
forgot." Words from Hollywood's V for Vendetta out of a 400 year old
British tradition. Today I remember why I like the movie so much. It
presents a bleak future of absolute government control. But it says 2
important truths: 1) We are responsible for what governments do and
2) individuals can make a difference. Remembering the 5th of November
I voted. Did you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History Does Repeat Itself

I'm addicted to theatre on the radio. This past weekend I enjoyed a
play produced by LA Theatre Works, The Rivalry. Here two polititians
debate for office, one flamboyant and the other a great orator. If
you're thinking 2008 elections think again. The play is taken out of
debate tranrcripts between Lincoln and Douglas more than a century
ago. I could go on about it but it would be better if you take the
time and enjoy the play yourself. Go to and listen and
compare the similarities.

A New Dawn Awaits

A page has been turned in the history of this nation. Million of
Americans exercised their right to vote and their voices have been
heard. Barack Obama has won the presidential election and January 2009
we face a new chapter. While the battle for the White House has ended
and a bigger and harder task begins. It is time to lay aside any
differences and become united with the purpose of geting out of the
mess we're in. Like the phoenix rising out of the ashes it's our time
to rise.