Thursday, December 11, 2008

On My Way to Happiness - Take Care of Yourself

Do you floss? I must confess I'm a lazy bum when it comes to flossing.
My wife recently went to the dentist and got a lecture on flossing. I
know the lecture since I received it some years ago. And it all came
back as if I had just received the lecture at that moment, especially
when my wife asked if I was told the same. So I am flossing again. It
only takes a few minutes, and guess what? I feel way better doing it.
So flossing is one step on my way to happiness. Start walking, go to

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to Like Someone?

Finding out faults and reasons not to like someone is quite easy;
e.g., too tall, too short, crooked nose, they've got an attitude, etc.
Also, sad to say, it is easy to hide behind these since at best you
won't have to deal with that person again or at worst you'll endure
them for a bit. Want to change this? Try this, look at the person or
think of them and find something to like about them. Keep doing this
until you feel better about them. It may take minutes or hours. Try it
and let me know.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Perfect Timing

No, I'm not talking about my atomic clock I'm refering to the way life
works. Recently I posted a rant and my spirits were kind of gloomy for
a few days, which is really unusual for me. Then in the middle of all
this a letter from overseas arrives. As I excitedly open the envelope
I can't help but smile and think "my wolf is here". The sender,
Chrissy Marie, took upon herself the mission of touching others with
her art. All I can say is: mission accomplished, thanks.

Introduction to - On My Way to Happiness Posts

Those who know me know that I'm a Scientologist. Don't worry I'm not
going to proselytize here. If you want to know about it go to or send me an email with your questions. With this
post I want to introduce a series of posts based on The Way To
Happiness. Written by L. Ron Hubbard to fill the moral void that was
left when religion altogether was banned from schools. Non-religious
in nature it is a guide to common sense behaviour. If you want to
learn more go to

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Life Sacrifices

In my future, Earth is not doing well. People migrate to other
planets, in return you work for the government for 10 years.
Everything is heavily regulated and you barter with those in power and
you can acquire things to make life easier or prettier. A friend gave
up having children for a fish tank, I did it for a vacuum cleaner,
everybody does this... It's been years since I saw children playing.
We're just cogs in the machinery of this planet, without them there is
no future worth living for.

Reasons To Be Thankful

I'm thankful for many things in life. For a roof over my head and a
warm bed at night. A wife that loves me, my quirkiness included. I can
write what I feel without fear. I'm still playing the game while some
friends have begun a new one. I have friends who care (I'm still
reading the dream). My father celebrated his 61 birthday in a year
where he spent 3 months in a hospital's ICU. All in all, I'm thankful
for all the good which makes me happy and the bad which teaches how
not to do it. Thanks!

What's With the Cult of Authority

"The eminent Dr. Professor Emeritus Supreme Authority says it is so,
therefore it must be so." Next time you're faced with a statement like
that one take some time and examine the facts of the situation and
form your own opinion. I have an engineering background and was taught
to look for and work with facts, use those that work, discard those
that don't. An engineer does this, otherwise that tunnel collapes or
the plane won't fly. Open your eyes be your own authority, trust your
own judgement.