Sunday, October 26, 2008

Remembering The Woman I Loved The Most

I remember being in your arms. Feeling your gentle touch and kisses. I
remember you always being there for me, even when I wavered your arms
were always open, welcoming me back. I remember feeling special around
you and now I realize it was never me but your magic making me feel
this way. I remember going away, to far off lands and feeling you
always by my side. I remember seeing you in your last days, your body
weak but your eyes always strong and full of love. I'll always love
you grandma.

1 comment:

"Hanging on a Hyphen" said...

This free verse is brilliant in its simplicity. It makes me feel the pain that you keep in your heart. I feel sad for you and wish you well. Thank you for sharing this. At least something wonderful came out of your grief...